敬愛します中林牧師を偲んで / In Loving Memory of Pastor Yoshiro Nakabayashi



献身的な夫、父親、祖父、牧師、そして経営者であった中林牧師は、IJCCビジネス牧師在職中に、英語と日本語によるバイリンガル礼拝を始めたほか、ホノルルの日本人経営者やビジネス・オーナーを主な対象として毎週開かれる「ビジネスと聖書について語り合う会B、B&B(Bible, Business and Benefits)」をスタートされました。また、クリスチャン書籍の著者でもあります。

中林ファミリーとIJCC、そして世界中のキリストにある兄弟姉妹、特にホノルルと日本の兄弟姉妹に惜しまれている中林牧師を偲んでのメモリアル追悼式は、後日中林ファミリーとIJCCによって開く予定です。中林ファミリーへの献金や哀悼のメッセージは、IJCC, 1252 Young St. Honolulu, HI 96814 または nakabayashifamily22@gmail.com までお送りください。

Pastor Nakabayashi went to be with the Lord unexpectedly on the morning of Wednesday, April 27 in Honolulu, Hawaii. He was 58 years old. He is survived by his beloved wife, Tamar and his eight children, St Chad and wife Minako, Monica, Christi, Estelle, Shay, Kiyoshi, Eikou, and Ammie, his grandchildren Tomoki and Mitsuki, and his father Sakae.

Pastor Nakabayashi was born on October 28, 1963 in Gotemba of Shizuoka, Japan. He lost his mother at the young age of ten and was sent to live with extended family in Yokohama. After graduating Kanto Gakuin Mutsuura High School, he went to study abroad in LA. He started work at a Japanese trading company in LA and moved to Hawaii in 1988 as a branch manager. He then transferred to Hong Kong and became the general manager of the China branch. He married the love of his life, Tamar on August 24, 1996, and returned to Hawaii in 1998 and began studying for a pastoral course at JTJ seminary school. In 2010, at the age of 47 he became the Business Pastor of International Japanese Christian Church (IJCC). In 2008, he founded Hano Naka Inc. and in 2012 opened a showroom selling cutting edge clean water filtration systems to provide healthy drinking water for families and offices throughout Hawaii.

He was a devoted husband, father, grandfather, pastor, and business owner. During his tenure at IJCC, he started bilingual church services in English and Japanese; began an outreach ministry B, B&B (Bible, Business and Benefits), a weekly convening for Japanese executives and business owners in Honolulu to talk business and the Bible. He is also an author of several Japanese Christian books.

He will be dearly missed by his family, IJCC, and brothers and sisters in Christ from around the world especially in Honolulu and Japan. The family and IJCC will find a time for a celebration of life at a later date. Donations and condolences for the Nakabayashi family can be sent to IJCC, 1252 Young St. Honolulu, HI 96814 or nakabayashifamily22@gmail.com.

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